Tuesday, March 3, 2009

DeCaf, double short, extra hot, extra dry cappuccino...

This is a somewhat disturbing 30-sec. video skit, but is also kind of funny because of it's shock value. If you've ever worked in a restaurant or coffee shop when it's rush hour and the line at the counter goes out the door, and you're in the middle of a barely controlled typhoon of chaos, and the customer next in line completely disregards courteous café etiquette and brings everything to a screeching halt, then you'll know from what dark place this fictional scenario comes. I think that adding that endless line of customers and scrambling behind-the-counter staff to the scene would have made it more relevant but it should bring a "WHOA! Holy crap!" to your mouth regardless.


jin said...


Nate said...

people like that need to be punched. otherwise, they never learn.

Codadiva said...

I've worked in the industry!!! Hilarious!